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Google vs. Facebook

September 26, 2011

I used to think that all of us in the news business one day would work for USA Today. Then it was AOL.  Now I think it will either be Google or Facebook.

Google blew through Virginia last week with road shows designed to help small businesses learn how to use the Internet.  For sitting through a presentation by a guy wearing a t-shirt, faded jeans and bright red shoes, attendees were given “free” Websites (you have to pay for the domain name and hosting after the first year) and a chance to chat with Google-ites (Googlians?) about how to list a business on Google places or use all the other features Google offers.

Most importantly among those features – at least for Google stockholders – is Google AdWords, those things that pop up at the top and the side of Google searches.  Yes, the presenter assured us, we know you never click on those ads and your mother never clicks on them, but lots of people do.  And to entice us to try AdWords, we were given a coupon good for $75 off an AdWords campaign.  So we’ll try it, and we’ll let you know how it goes.

In the meantime, here comes Facebook, with an announcement that it, too, will be doing roadshows to persuade small businesses to advertise on Facebook (the little ads on the right side of the page – although they somehow seem to be overwhelmed by that annoying ticker in the latest iteration).  Facebook, too, will be giving advertisers free ads to persuade them to try the service.

Just as Google is going after Facebook’s audience with Google-Plus, now it appears Facebook is upping the ante on the busines side.  Competition is good.  It will make everyone better and might even help some businesses along the way.  And it sure will be interesting to watch.


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